Rs Advisories now has a global presence and is a part of a bigger umbrella Equispec LLC USA. In a joint collaboration has formed Equispec Ventures LLP India. Ritu Shah has her ability to percolate, synchronize and analyse data in both historical and present context. She has developed her own techniques and systems to grab major money making opportunities in the financial markets. Her tools are econometrically verified and statistically proven. Having done masters in Business Administration in Finance & Marketing has helped her to comprehend the working of global market. Providing trading advisory and business consultancy to clientele of all aspects such as traders, investment professionals, agro based corporate. The reports contain price forecast and strategies to profit from them. Research and report has backing of primary data including crop surveys, geological analysis and co-ordinations. Her core strength of commodity market understanding gives a foundation in analysing the factors influencing the valuation of all the asset classes across the globe. This deep root of commodity knowledge gives a distinct advantage in unearthing hidden gems of Indian and Global equity markets giving multi-bagger returns in clients’ portfolios. She is an adviser on digital assets as that is the new future
"THERE ARE 3 TYPES OF TRADERS 1. Who makes wonders happen. 2. Those who watch wonder happen. 3. And finally those who wonder what happened."